CCNA Exam Simulator w/ Network Simulator Reviews

Overview of Computer Based Trainer for CCNA by
1. Exam Simulator with detailed flashcards.
2.Question types: Supports 575+ questions with question types like multiple choice single answer, multiple choice multiple answer, true/false type, simlet, testlet, simulation type questions.
3.Exam configuration options: The candidate can configure exam based on the requirement by using options like randomizing questions/answers, setting time duration for the exam, customizing questions based on topics etc.
4.Modes: Exam simulator supports 2 modes namely learn mode and exam mode.
5.Score Report: A score graph will be generated after the candidate completes taking up an exam, thus giving percentage level to evaluate his/her performance and the report can also be saved for further reference.
6.Network Simulator for CCNAâ„¢ provides advanced router/switch network simulator functionalities including VLANs, VTP, interVLAn communications, RIP v2, OSPF, and WAN protocol simulation.
7.The scenario questions are difficult to answer, and prepare the candidate to take the actual exam and pass the first time! Please download Demo exam for sample questions.

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