Broken Robot Reviews

Experimental robots get out of control and start to run away en masse, but a merciless corporation interferes in every possible way and tries to stop them. Will robots with not the best control be able to stand on their feet and escape. Broken Robot is a 2D side-scrolling platformer built on the physical control of broken robots, each run you get a new robot that does not have the best balance. Experimental robots get out of control and start to run away en masse, but a merciless corporation interferes in every possible way and tries to stop them. Will robots with not the best control be able to stand on their feet and escape. Broken Robot is a 2D side-scrolling platformer built on the physical control of broken robots, each run you get a new robot that does not have the best balance. Experimental robots get out of control and start to run away en masse, but a merciless corporation interferes in every possible way and tries to stop them. Will robots with not the best control be able to stand on their feet and escape. Broken Robot is a 2D side-scrolling platformer built on the physical control of broken robots, each run you get a new robot that does not have the best balance. Experimental robots get out of control and start to run away en masse, but a merciless corporation interferes in every possible way and tries to stop them. Will robots with not the best control be able to stand on their feet and escape. Broken Robot is a 2D side-scrolling platformer built on the physical control of broken robots, each run you get a new robot that does not have the best balance. Experimental robots get out of control and start to run away en masse, but a merciless corporation interferes in every possible way and tries to stop them. Will robots with not the best control be able to stand on their feet and escape. Broken Robot is a 2D side-scrolling platformer built on the physical control of broken robots, each run you get a new robot that does not have the best balance.

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