Magario Reviews

Very light platformer designed for beginners. You have to play for the magician, climb the blocks and get a diamond. Management: Spacebar – jump, Right arrow – walking to the right, Left arrow – walking to the left.

Very light platformer designed for beginners. You have to play for the magician, climb the blocks and get a diamond. Management: Spacebar – jump, Right arrow – walking to the right, Left arrow – walking to the left.

Very light platformer designed for beginners. You have to play for the magician, climb the blocks and get a diamond. Management: Spacebar – jump, Right arrow – walking to the right, Left arrow – walking to the left.

Very light platformer designed for beginners. You have to play for the magician, climb the blocks and get a diamond. Management: Spacebar – jump, Right arrow – walking to the right, Left arrow – walking to the left.

Very light platformer designed for beginners. You have to play for the magician, climb the blocks and get a diamond. Management: Spacebar – jump, Right arrow – walking to the right, Left arrow – walking to the left.

Very light platformer designed for beginners. You have to play for the magician, climb the blocks and get a diamond. Management: Spacebar – jump, Right arrow – walking to the right, Left arrow – walking to the left.

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