Tag: intersection

  • TRIANGULATION for IntelliCAD Reviews

    TRIANGULATION, ISOLINES, VOLUME, LOADING of XYZ points files, 3DINTERSECTION, cross sections and a longitudinal profile, color-filled contour map; 7 functions for IntelliCAD versions which can load SDS applications (dll). TRIANGULATION performs the triangulation of a set of 3D points with compulsory interconnections between the points. The outcome is represented by 3DFACE entities. ISOLINES determines the…

  • SortedArrayList and Merge Reviews

    This is a pair of library classes to include in your own code for manipulating ArrayLists. It consist of two classes: SortedArrayList and Merge. SortedArrayList is an ArrayList that remembers how it is sorted, so that if you ask it to sort, it can sometimes bypass the work when it is already in order. You…