Tag: serial

  • 232Analyzer Reviews

    Software RS232/RS485/RS422/TTL Serial Port Monitor / Terminal / Protocol Analyzer / Debugger – control, monitor, debug, log, spy, sniff, capture, view, analyze, and test serial ports activity. It allows communication logging (c/w timestamps in millisecond) between serial devices using serial ports (with optional monitor/control cables and rs232/rs485/rs422/TTL converters), no more expensive hardware protocol analyzer is…

  • VolID(Disk Drives Serial Modifier) Reviews

    Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/Windows 7 and Windows 9x’s built-in Label utility lets you change the labels of disk volumes, it does not provide any means for changing volume IDs. With VolID you can modify your disk drive’s serial number which is also called volume ID (not hard disk’s physical serial which you can find at back of…