Destruction Of Planets Reviews

“Destruction of planets” is a 2D mix of arkanoid and bullet-hell genres. The main goal is to destroy all balls in form of planets with different properties. There are planets of several different types: some are colliding according to the laws of physics, some are bouncing, some are just crashing into many small parts. You need to look for your own approach to each planet type. You can get extra lives by gaining points for destroying balls. Also you can find new weapon that will help to deal with planets twice as efficiently. “Destruction of planets” is a 2D mix of arkanoid and bullet-hell genres. The main goal is to destroy all balls in form of planets with different properties. There are planets of several different types: some are colliding according to the laws of physics, some are bouncing, some are just crashing into many small parts. You need to look for your own approach to each planet type. You can get extra lives by gaining points for destroying balls. Also you can find new weapon that will help to deal with planets twice as efficiently. “Destruction of planets” is a 2D mix of arkanoid and bullet-hell genres. The main goal is to destroy all balls in form of planets with different properties. There are planets of several different types: some are colliding according to the laws of physics, some are bouncing, some are just crashing into many small parts. You need to look for your own approach to each planet type. You can get extra lives by gaining points for destroying balls. Also you can find new weapon that will help to deal with planets twice as efficiently.

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